
Music needs arrangement, like the diamond needs its cut!
If you want to make your musical idea a real masterpiece, charming the listener, contact me, because I know how to do it. I work in such popular programs like Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, Reason, Cubase, Ableton Live. Besides terabytes of «Native Instruments Komplete 10» samples, I use such "monsters" as: Korg Kronos X, Roland INTEGRA-7, Nord Rack 2X, Nord Stage 2, Roland AX-Synth, Akai MPC Renaissance, Dave Smith Instruments TEMPEST.

A good arrangement requires:

- the choice of a music style;

- harmonic analysis, melodic and rhythmic refinement (as needed)

- the right choice of tools;

- sound balance of all instruments

An arranger needs:

- the knowledge in the field of orchestration, harmonic analysis, world musical culture;

- the latest music software;

- the ability to play different instruments, to be a master of improvisation;

- the ability to experiment with genres and styles;

- the cooperation with "proper" session musicians;

- a rich imagination and a good taste in music;

- absolute pitch (preferably)!